Saturday, February 25, 2006


Tak U, Danmark!

I'm not sure if that actually says, "Thank you, Denmark" anymore, that may be Dutch. Anyway, I'm only here today to save this link to an article I want to show my nephews some day soon.

Blue Star Chronicles also has an excellent article by Christopher Hitchens about Denmark. He's pretty tough on Undersecretary of State for Public Diplomacy (and Presidential pal) Karen Hughes; otherwise I agree with everything he says. As for the current problems between President Bush and his base, the "cartoon spat", the ports deal, and illegal immigration, I don't want to go out too far on a limb, as many did over the Harriet Myers nomination. If the Left is going to blame everything on The Architect, I'll use him to personify that certain something the Administration has that keeps getting the job done while giving the opposition enough rope to hang itself; I don't think we've heard the last of any item on the conservative agenda from this Administration. A word, to the wise, is sufficient: "Murtha". Heard that since a certain 407-3 vote, have you?

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